Some Things To Know…
=> The Things She Likes is part of affiliate programs. If you click and/or make a purchase through certain links on this site, I may make a commission from that purchase. All opinions are my own and gifted items are clearly marked as “c/o”.
=> Product reviews will be my 100% honest opinion and all review items sent to me complimentary will be clearly marked as “c/o”. I only post reviews for products I genuinely love and I have a no return policy on products sent for review.
=> If a review is coupled with a giveaway, it is the responsibility of the business or individual to ship the giveaway item to the winner in a timely manner.
=> Are you a photographer interested in shooting with me and would like to have your work featured on The Things She Likes? Or do you have a great space you would like featured on the blog? Contact me to inquire, I’m always looking to expand my team and shoot in new locations!
=> Please be aware if you would like to use any content from this blog, all images & content are protected by copyright laws. If you are interested in using any of the photos you see on TSL for your website, social advertising, or promotions please contact me.
I can’t wait to hear from you => TheThingsSheLikes@gmail.com.
Talk soon,